Monday, February 15, 2010

Best sandwich in NJ?

What do you think of when you hear chicken salad? Perhaps an ice cream scoop gelatinous ball of chicken and mayo on top of a diner salad (real healthy), someone holding up the line in a deli while asking if the crusted over at one time white salad is tuna or chicken? Or maybe it is my least favorite that comes to mind, a mixture of chicken and mayo containing nuts and fruit… Well what I’m about to talk about is as far from the “Healthy Salad Platters” page in a diner menu as one can get. In fact to some it may be a health risk. It definitely isn’t what Hillary was ordering for Bill’s lunch today (or maybe it was)…

I was talking to a friend and firefighter (people like to turn to firefighters for food options, just don’t ask them about pizza), John F., one of Montclair ’s finest. First words out of his mouth when describing this behemoth from Nicco’s Italian Deli in Caldwell, “I don’t even like chicken salad” some of you guys out there may be thinking that men must speak this way about anything containing the word salad to protect their manhood, but later when I suggested my wife, who truly hates chicken salad, but loves all other things salad try this sandwich, the same words came from her as did the same end result. Men often feel the same way about admitting to liking a salad as they do liking quiche or admitting to watching a chick flick, however I do believe that Ghost was some of Swayze’s best work, but I’ll leave that topic for another blog.

The first thing I heard that knocked the word “salad” from my head was “breaded chicken cutlet”. And that was all I needed to hear to go taste for myself. Nick the colorful owner is not all shy or modest with his claim to make the best food ever and he has no problem talking shit to you about his food as he is making it. Now for the awesome chicken salad, he starts by taking two huge pieces of perfectly cooked and seasoned chicken cutlet, hacks them up with one hell of a chopping motion and tosses them into a large metal bowl, next a few mounds of mayo join the party. I ordered mine with lettuce and red onion, which he added to the hacked up cutlet and mayo, and finally a nice squirt of red vinegar. With a few flicks of the wrist this masterpiece is complete. It is then piled generously on an excellent sub roll, soft on the inside and a nice outer crust (nobody enjoys a sub roll that tears up the top of your mouth).

You will fall in love after the first bite. I can’t think of anything I would add to this monster. I hear his other food is great but I have yet to find out. This may be one of the best sandwiches I have ever had, I would recommend getting this sandwich immediately if not sooner, when this blog hits he may have to take it off his menu.


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